

Below you will find a comprehensive list of items which will require a prospectus 在365bet实施项目之前,应提交SACSCOC批准. 这些项目分为机构级项目和项目级项目. 你可浏览 SACSCOC实质性变更政策 有关这些类型的实质性变化的更多信息.



  • 学期、三学期或季度校历
  • 基于时间或非基于时间的度量
  • 以小时为基础或以学分为基础的度量

This addresses the 机构al change across most or all of an 机构's 程序s. 机构必须提供: 

  • 从当前度量到新度量的等效转换
  • compliance with the SACSCOC Credit Hours policy and the Principles of 认证 标准9.2, 9.7, 10.1和10.7.

Competencies are embedded in a traditional curriculum with courses completed, credits 赢得了,并获得了证书. 典型设置: 

  • 在一个学期注册的学生
  • course credits are awarded at the end of the term based on mastery of the competencies
  • 成绩单记录课程和成绩

SACSCOC 需要批准 for the first 程序 where 50% or more may be earned 走这条路. 初步批准后: 

  • new 程序 approval required if the 程序 is a significant departure from current 项目提供的
  • new 程序 only requires notification if it is not a significant departure from current 项目提供的
  • only requires 通知作为一种额外的交付方式 for an existing 程序

A method of delivery in which 50% or more of instruction occurs with student and instructor in separate locations, SACSCOC defines this as distance education, regardless as to 如果交互是同步的或异步的.

  • first 程序 in which 50% or more is earned in this manner required approval for 无论是项目还是机构
  •  new 程序 approval required if it is a significant departure from existing 程序s
  • 新项目通知,如果没有重大偏离现有项目
  • 通知作为一种额外的交付方式

A notification letter must be sent to SACSCOC sixth months prior to the SACSCOC Board of Trustees meeting at which the prospectus will be reviewed and should 包括: 

  • 对计划变更的描述
  • 计划实施日期
  • intended SACSCOC Board of Trustees meeting and year for which the 机构 will 提交招股说明书


  • 大幅修改管理委员会章程
  • 显著改变董事会的权限或责任范围的
  • 大大改变了董事会成员的数量
  • 大大改变了董事会成员的选择方式

A substantive change committee visit is required and 确认周期 may be 影响.

Institutions seeking to cease all instruction will be required to submit an 机构al 教出来的计划. 该计划将解决即将关闭的问题,必须尽快提交 作为关闭的决定作出. 


  • 为所有课程的所有学生提供合理的完成选择
  • explain how the 机构 will provide students' and former students' access to 成绩单和其他学历证明
  • identify the permanent repositor or trustee of student academic and financial aid 记录
  • 描述资产处置的流程和预期时间表
  • address any other provision identified by SACSCOC staff as essential to the successful 机构的关闭


  • 机构的计划和时间表
  • 保证连续运行
  • assurance that instruction and student support services are not materially hindered
  • assurance of adequate financial resources and planning to support the relocation
  • 保证继续遵守标准13.7和13.8

A notification letter must be sent to SACSCOC six months prior to the SACSCOC Board of Trustees meeting at which the prospectus will be reviewed and should 包括: 

  • 对计划变更的描述
  • 计划实施日期
  • intended SACSCOC Board of Trustees meeting and year for which the 机构 will 提交招股说明书


  • 机构
  • 程序
  • 学校的位置
  • 校外教学网站
  • 校园或教学场所的任何部分

A substantive change committee visit is required at time of approval and it typically 影响确认周期. 


  • 学校被学校管理委员会置于试用期
  • SACSCOC终止该机构的认证
  • 机构的国家授权被撤销
  • 该机构正在接受美国联邦政府财政援助的临时认证.S. 部门 教育学院(USDE)
  • 该机构正在由美国教育与发展学院报销联邦财政援助
  • 该机构是美国环境规划署采取紧急行动的对象

This plan is just a precaution but should something happen with the 机构 and 它需要关闭,这将成为关闭计划. 

开设与现有课程不同层次的课程或项目. 的 highest level offered by the 机构 does not automatically include authorization 提供较低水平课程或项目的机构. 


New 程序s may not be implemented at this level until SACSCOC Board of Trustees 有否就机构的持续认可采取积极行动. 

A notification letter must be sent to SACSCOC six months prior to the SACSCOC Board of Trustees meeting at which the prospectus will be reviewed and should 包括: 

  • 对计划变更的描述
  • 计划实施日期
  • intended SACSCOC Board of Trustees meeting and year for which the 机构 will 提交招股说明书

A merger occurs when one SACSCOC 机构 merges with one or more 机构s 或实体. 需要进行实质性的变更委员会访问,并且通常会产生影响 确认周期.

的 mission change needs to be significant in nature and fundamentally changes the character of an 机构 and its academic 程序s or other mission-driven activities.

A notification letter must be sent to SACSCOC six months prior to the SACSCOC Board of Trustees meeting at which the prospectus will be reviewed and should 包括: 

  • 对计划变更的描述
  • 计划实施日期
  • intended SACSCOC Board of Trustees meeting and year for which the 机构 will 提交招股说明书

When an 机构 changes ownership, control or legal status a substantive change committee visit will be required and 确认周期 is typically 影响. 



  • 计时制
  • 计时信贷


  • 以合理的学术理论为基础
  • 现行措施和建议措施之间的客观公式等价
  • 证明对学生的学习成果没有负面影响
  • 证明对学生完成学业的时间没有负面影响
  • 证明符合SACSCOC的标准和原则

A 程序 in which 50% or more of the 程序 may be earned through the direct assessment 能力为本的教育方法. 

每个直接评估项目都需要SACSCOC的批准. 这种性质的新节目 is also subject to significant departure and may be approved as a new 程序 concurrent 直接评估批准. 


An agreement with an entity 或实体 who are not certified to participate in U.S 部门 of Education title IV 程序s to deliver 25% to 50% of a 程序's content 作为它自己.


  • 项目涉及
  • 责任方的姓名和联系方式
  • 签署的协议副本

If the SACSCOC entity is on Substantive Change Restriction, then approval would be 需要高达50%的课程.

函授教育 provides instructional materials and examination by mail 或者电子传输. 课程由学生自行决定进度. 


Instruction is 给n to the student at two or more 机构s where one is not SACSCOC 认证. 该奖项将有每个机构的名称、印章和签名. 

Adding a method of deliver to an existing 程序 requires approval prior to implementation 只适用于实质变更限制. 这些变化可能是: 

  • 添加在线 
  • 增加面对面的
  • 基于能力增加 

A specific method of delivery applies when 50% or more of a 程序 is delivered by 这个项目. 一个程序可以通过一种以上的方法交付50%或更多.

A new 程序 is where 50% to 100% of the content is new and a significant departure 从现有的机构项目中. 

  • content is new if it is not currently offered by the 机构 at the appropriate 程序的级别
  • 百分比由院校决定
  • new 程序 approval equally applies to a degree, diploma, certificate, or other for-credit 凭证 
  • if 机构 is not approved to offer courses and 程序s at the new level a level 更改也必须提交. 
  • increasing the 程序的级别 such as the 机构 currently offers bachelor's 学位和现在想提供的硕士学位.

关闭被定义为学生不再被录取的时间. 闭包 包括:

  • 结束程序
  • 结束交付方法
  • 在某个位置终止程序或交付方法


  • 课程学时增加或减少25%

  • student's expected time to completion increases or decreases by more than one term


  • 课程长度增加或减少25%需要获得批准

校外教学地点是指与主校区分开的地点. SACSCOC 需要批准. 审批方式有两种:

  • 广泛的审查
    • 至少两个网站必须通过广泛的审查批准
    • 这篇综述有两个组成部分
      • 机构一级审查
      • 特定场地审查
    • 两种审批方式
      • 由SACSCOC董事会根据招股说明书审查批准
      • Approval by SACSCOC Board of Trustees based on inclusion and review at reaffirmation
  • 有限的审查
    • 在下列情况下,将根据所提交的招股说明书对场地的审查予以批准:
      • 机构有两个或两个以上的地点经广泛审查批准
      • 机构 has successfully completed at least one decennial reaffirmation of accreditation
      • 机构不受实质变更限制
      • requires approval by the Executive Council of the SACSCOC Board of Trustees and occurs 全年



  • 通知站点(少于50%)
  • 认可地点(50%或以上)


This is required as SACSCOC is not approving the closure but that students have an acceptable and reasonable opportunity to complete their 程序 as initially intended 以最小的干扰.

*信息来源: SACSCOC实质性变更政策和程序